International data encryption algorithm — IDEA … Wikipédia en Français
International Data Corporation — (IDC) is a market research and analysis firm specializing in information technology, telecommunications and consumer technology. IDC is a subsidiary of International Data Group. IDC is headquartered in Framingham, Massachusetts and claims to have … Wikipedia
International Data Encryption Algorithm — IDEA Résumé Concepteur(s) Xuejia Lai, James Massey Première publication … Wikipédia en Français
Common Source Data Base — Technical documentation is used in many areas of the everyday life. Nearly everything has to be provided with at minimum a drawing including a few locators. The product liability and many other issues regarding consumer protection have to be… … Wikipedia
Base de datos química — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una base de datos química es una base de datos específicamente diseñada para almacenar información química. Esta información puede incluir fórmulas, estructuras químicas y cristalinas, espectros, reacciones químicas … Wikipedia Español
Data protection (privacy) laws in Russia — is a rapidly developing branch of the Russian legislation. All the basic legal acts in this field have been enacted most recently, mainly in the 2005 2006. The present article is an attempt to summarise the substance and main principles of the… … Wikipedia
Data Matrix — An example of a Data Matrix code, encoding the text: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Reading Data … Wikipedia
Data dictionary — Not to be confused with Dictionary (data structure). A data dictionary, or metadata repository, as defined in the IBM Dictionary of Computing, is a centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data,… … Wikipedia
Data Validation and Reconciliation — Industrial process data validation and reconciliation or short data validation and reconciliation (DVR) is a technology which is using process information and mathematical methods in order to automatically correct measurements in industrial… … Wikipedia
Data center — An operation engineer overseeing a Network Operations Control Room of a data center. A data center (or data centre or datacentre or datacenter) is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and … Wikipedia
International Centre for Prison Studies — The International Centre for Prison Studies was established in the School of Law, King s College London, United Kingdom in April 1997. It was launched formally by the Right Hon Jack Straw, Home Secretary, in October 1997.It was decided from the… … Wikipedia